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... to simplify communication and collaboration accross users. It is available as a hosted service as well as on-premise software...
... Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and Google to name but a few. It is currently the world’s most widely used RDBMS. It...
OpenStack Monitoring OpenStack is a cloud operating system that controls ... users to provision resources through a...
From delivering new services and meeting service quality expectations to avoiding data ... larger enterprises , but have...
Training and consulting
... as quickly as possible.  A great place to start if you're new to the product and want to get to grips with the basics...
... an account on Slack and follow the steps below to activate it on the Opsview system. First, in Opsview, activate the...
... document-oriented NoSQL database, implemented in Erlang. It uses JSON to store data, JavaScript as its query language using...
... such as run on, command, and user variables. What You Can Monitor Email notifications can be set up within a few...
... send messages to queues and read messages from queues. What You Can Monitor This Opspack allows you to monitor the...
... to any application from any device type. Opsview helps IT teams ensure that NetScaler is deployed in their networks to optimize...