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Elasticsearch Monitoring

Requires Opsview Cloud or Opsview Monitor 6
Opsview Supported

Elasticsearch Opspack

Elasticsearch is a popular enterprise search engine driving some of the most powerful and fastest searches on the web. It has a variety of notable features such as real-time analytics, scalable search solutions, and multi-tenancy support. For IT professionals, Elasticsearch can be utilized to power extremely fast searches that support all your data discovery applications. It’s built with an aim to make data immediately available in a way that is actionable and provides insight, all while making it as simple and easy as possible.

What You Can Monitor

Opsview Monitor’s Elasticsearch Opspack allows you to monitor all of your Elasticsearch nodes in one convenient place, including metrics for Filesystem (FS), JVM, CPU, Memory, and more.

Service Checks

Service Check Description
FS Available Capacity Returns the available bytes per filesystem.
FS Total Capacity Returns the total capacity of a filesystem.
JVM uptime Returns the overall uptime of the JVM.
OS CPU Idle (this metric was removed in Elasticsearch version 2.0) Returns the idle CPU time of the OS.
OS Free Memory Returns the amount of free memory.
OS Load Average Returns the load average of the elasticsearch host.
OS Memory Free Percent Returns the percentage of free memory.
OS Memory Used Returns the amount of used physical memory.
OS Memory Percentage Used Returns the percentage of used memory.
OS Swap Memory Free Returns the amount of free swap space.
OS Swap Memory Used Returns the total amount of swap space.
Process CPU usage Returns the CPU usage of the process.
Process virtual memory usage Returns the amount of virtual memory being used by the process.

Setup and Configuration

To configure and utilize this Opspack, you simply need to add the 'Application - Elasticsearch' Opspack to your Opsview Monitor system.

Step 1: Add the host template

Add the Application - Elasticsearch Host Template to your Opsview Monitor host.

For more information, refer to Opsview Knowledge Center - Adding Host Templates to Hosts.

Step 2: Add and configure variables required for this host

Variable Description
ESPORT The Value is the TCP port used by your Elasticsearch node.

For more information, refer to Opsview Knowledge Center - Adding Variables to Hosts.

Step 3: Apply changes and the system will now be monitored

Elasticsearch Service Checks