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Active Directory Threads

Requires Opsview Cloud or Opsview Monitor 6.3

This Host Template is part of the Active Directory Agentless Monitoring Opspack

Opsview Supported

Host Template: Application - Active Directory - Threads

Monitor Active Directory threads usage

This Host Template includes the following Service Checks:

Service Check Name Description Default Thresholds (Warning, Critical) UOM
Active Directory - Threads - Total Asynchronous Thread Queue Shows the total number of threads in use by the Active Directory. N/A N/A
Active Directory - Threads - LDAP Asynchronous Thread Queue Shows the number of threads in use by the LDAP process. N/A N/A

Usage Instructions

Step 1: Add this Host Template

Add the Application - Active Directory - Threads Host Template to your Opsview Monitor host. If the resource you're monitoring has no hostname or public IP, then open the Advanced settings pane and change Host Check Command to Always assumed to be UP.

For more information, refer to Opsview Knowledge Center - Adding Host Templates to Hosts.

Step 2: Add and configure variables required for this Host Template

The Service Checks in this Host Template use the following variables, and they will be added to your Opsview Monitor instance when you import the Opspack:

Authentication variables


Parameter Position in Variable Name Description
--Username Arg1 Username Username for remote windows host e.g user@DOMAIN.COM
--Password Arg2 Password Password for remote windows host
--Authentication Arg3 Authentication Type Authentication type to use


Only required if authenticating using Kerberos. If Kerberos authentication is not working add a default_realm value in the krb5.conf file located in '/opt/opsview/krb5/etc/'

Parameter Position in Variable Name Description
Opsview UI only Value Kerberos Realm Kerberos realm. This value is not used by the plugin, it is used to automatically configure your 'krb5.conf' configuration file
Opsview UI only Arg1 KDC 1 Kerberos realm. This value is not used by the plugin, it is used to automatically configure your 'krb5.conf' configuration file
Opsview UI only Arg2 KDC 2 Kerberos realm. This value is not used by the plugin, it is used to automatically configure your 'krb5.conf' configuration file
Opsview UI only Arg3 KDC 3 Kerberos realm. This value is not used by the plugin, it is used to automatically configure your 'krb5.conf' configuration file
Opsview UI only Arg4 KDC 4 Kerberos realm. This value is not used by the plugin, it is used to automatically configure your 'krb5.conf' configuration file

For more information, refer to Opsview Knowledge Center - Adding Variables to Hosts.

For mode-specific help, run the plugin with the -h -m <mode> flags. This will list the required and optional Variable Arguments for that mode. The appropriate mode for each Service Check is listed here:

Service Check Name Mode
Active Directory - Threads - Total Asynchronous Thread Queue AD.Threads.AsynchronousThreadQueue
Active Directory - Threads - LDAP Asynchronous Thread Queue AD.Threads.LDAPAsynchronousThreadQueue

Step 3: Apply changes and the system will now be monitored

Active Directory Threads Service Checks