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Cisco ACI APIC Monitoring

Requires Opsview Cloud or Opsview Monitor 6.4

This Host Template is part of the Cisco Aci Apic Monitoring Opspack

Opsview Supported

Host Template: Network - Cisco ACI - APIC

Monitor your Cisco ACI APIC Nodes with metrics for health state, usage information and a detailed summary of faults.

This Host Template includes the following Service Checks:

Service Check Name Description Default Thresholds (Warning, Critical) UOM
ACI - APIC - CPU Usage The live CPU usage for a given APIC apic_cpu_usage=70,90 %
ACI - APIC - Disk Usage The live disk usage for a given APIC apic_disk_usage=70,90 %
ACI - APIC - Faults A summary of all faults for a given APIC apic_node_critical_faults=,0
ACI - APIC - Health State The health state for a given APIC N/A N/A
ACI - APIC - Memory Free The live memory available for a given APIC N/A B
ACI - APIC - Temperature The live temperature for a given APIC N/A N/A

Usage Instructions

Step 1: Add this Host Template

Add the Network - Cisco ACI - APIC Host Template to your Opsview Monitor host. If the resource you're monitoring has no hostname or public IP, then open the Advanced settings pane and change Host Check Command to Always assumed to be UP.

For more information, refer to Opsview Knowledge Center - Adding Host Templates to Hosts.

Step 2: Add and configure variables required for this Host Template

The Service Checks in this Host Template use the following variables, and they will be added to your Opsview Monitor instance when you import the Opspack:


The Value is not used and therefore can be set to anything. Override the arguments with your credentials.

Parameter Position in Variable Name Description
--api-server-url Arg1 ACI API Server URL The server URL for your Cisco ACI
--username Arg2 ACI Username The username for your Cisco ACI
--password Arg3 ACI Password The password for your Cisco ACI


Parameter Position in Variable Name Description
--pod-id Value ACI Pod ID The ID of the pod


Parameter Position in Variable Name Description
--node-id Value ACI Node ID The ID of the node


This variable can be added multiple times to monitor each disk partition individually. Additionally, giving this argument a value of '.' (period character, no quotes) will run the check across all disk partitions.

Parameter Position in Variable Name Description
--disk-name Arg1 ACI Disk Name The name of the ACI APIC disk to monitor
--ignored-disks Arg2 ACI Ignored Disks Comma separated names of disks to ignore, only used if running the check across all disks


The Value is not used and therefore can be set to anything. Override the arguments with your settings.
The fault severity must be one of; 'critical', 'major', 'minor', 'warning', 'info', 'cleared' (default: 'major').
The fault limit, limits the number of faults displayed (default: '10'). Leave this blank to display all faults.

Parameter Position in Variable Name Description
--fault-severity Arg1 ACI Fault Severity The minimum severity level of faults to display
--fault-limit Arg2 ACI Fault Limit The maximum number of faults to display


For more information, refer to Opsview Knowledge Center - Adding Variables to Hosts.

For mode-specific help, run the plugin with the -h -m <mode> flags. This will list the required and optional Variable Arguments for that mode. The appropriate mode for each Service Check is listed here:

Service Check Name Mode
ACI - APIC - Disk Usage ACI.APIC.Disk
ACI - APIC - Faults ACI.APIC.Faults
ACI - APIC - Health State ACI.APIC.Health
ACI - APIC - Memory Free ACI.APIC.Memory
ACI - APIC - Temperature ACI.APIC.Temperature

SSL Certificates

Additionally, if ssl verification is required, you can use the following variable to pass in your SSL certificates for use when connecting to the service provider to gather metrics:


The Value is not used and therefore can be set to anything. Override the arguments with your certificates.

Parameter Position in Variable Name Description
--ca-path Arg1 CA Certificate Path Path to the CA Certificate. Optional, only required if server verification is needed
--client-cert Arg2 Client Certificate Path Path to the Client Certificate. Optional, only required if client verification is needed
--client-key Arg3 Client Key Path Path to the Client Key. Optional, only required if client verification is needed


Step 3: Apply changes and the system will now be monitored

Cisco ACI APIC Output