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Export - Capacity Planner - Server Advanced

Requires Opsview Cloud or Opsview Monitor 6.10

This Host Template is part of the Export Capacity Planner Opspack

Opsview Supported

Host Template: Export - Capacity Planner - Server Advanced

Monitor your physical server with optional information to enhance Standard Capacity Reports, including CPU model, hardware model, and operating system. Works with both supported Linux and Windows systems.

This Host Template includes the following Service Checks:

Service Check Name Description Check Interval
Cap Plan Export - Server Advanced - Hardware Vendor The sys vendor of the server. 1 day
Cap Plan Export - Server Advanced - Hardware Model The product name and product sku of the server. 1 day
Cap Plan Export - Server Advanced - CPU Model The CPU model of the server. 1 day
Cap Plan Export - Server Advanced - Operating System The operating system installed on the server. 1 day

Usage Instructions

Step 1: Add the Host Template

Add the Export - Capacity Planner - Server Advanced Host Template to your Opsview Monitor host.

For more information, refer to Opsview Knowledge Center - Adding Host Templates to Hosts.

Step 2: Add Variables if appropriate

The following variables can be used to configure communication with the Agent (see Agent Security):


Step 3: Apply changes and the system will be monitored

View Output

NOTE: If Checks report an UNKNOWN state, the output will indicate that the integration with Standard Capacity Reports for the respective monitored physical server is impacted, as this data is not required for capacity reports to generate, but not having it available will decrease the efficacy of Standard Capacity Reports.