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Showing 151 - 160 of 329
... per company over just two years. System administration and support time, revenue loss, lost productivity and eroded brand...
... it’s natural to rely on freeware or lower-end solutions to support clients to fill in the gaps. Before you know it, you’re...
... Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) is an Internet software utility for transferring files that is easier to use than...
... of managing IT Operations. Talks will be given by Opsview, VictorOps, HAProxy , Rubrik, TeleComputing, Mesosphere and...
... form, cloud infrastructure monitoring is the process of using programmed or manual IT monitoring and management techniques to...
... to write than distributed solutions. The trouble is that software monoliths can only scale vertically: i.e., you can only...
... fix when you get back to the office on Monday! Vendor support may not be 24/7 If you have full control over your IT...
... to have monitoring responsibility for multiple locations so using distributed monitoring means that you overcome the issues of...
... tooling and middleware for developing enterprise software. This includes JBoss EAP (for developing Java EE applications)...
Case studies
... across disparate networks and platforms. The Need for Opsview As a VoiP company XConnect needed to extensively...