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Free monitoring software is cost-effective, community supported and well documented. But just because it's free doesn't mean it's free from...
A new architecture lets Opsview Monitor 6.0 scale to millions of service checks
Opsview v6's new architecture dramatically enhances performance, scalability, and resilience while preserving 100% Nagios® plugin compatibility.
A new architecture lets Opsview Monitor 6.0 scale to millions of service checks monitoring architecture capabilities, improved scale and performance, and...
Microservices let Opsview Monitor 6.0 handle tens of thousands of hosts and millions of service checks
Opsview Monitor 6 breaks scale benchmarks -- up to 50,000 hosts and over 1 million service checks on a six-node cluster.
Within Opsview, there are several built-in types of service checks which give you flexibility depending on your preferences and the set-up of your...
Alex Burzynski, Chief Architect, on Opsview Monitor 6.0's microservice/messaging architecture
Opsview Monitor 6's microservices monitoring for enterprises and service providers improves scale and automated lifecycle management.
Downsides of Nagios Open Source
Open source attributes labeled as benefits can be deceiving, making it important to properly evaluate the needs and requirements of your business...
Nagios vs the competion
The key things you need to know when comparing Nagios to other IT monitoring solutions. 
Nagios vs the competion
One of the top complaints regarding Nagios is its lack of scalability, an issue that should be a serious concern for IT professionals.
Nagios vs the competion
If you're a dissatisfied Nagios user who is ready to make the switch to Opsview, here is a guide on how to execute a migration that will result in...
XConnect needed a fully flexible tool that provided them with end to end monitoring which tracked routers, hardware and the whole IT estate.
SQL Server Monitoring
In this guide, I will show you a quick and easy way to get open source syslog monitoring using Opsview.
Where to research Nagios competitors
Unlike Nagios, Opsview’s drag-and-drop dashboards display all your monitoring information in one place.